What Former Students Say

About us

Niklaas & Nita’s Driving School was founded in 2015. Boasting with a high pass rate with excellent students and committing with excellent services. At Niklaas & Nita’s Driving School we dedicate ourselves to what our students need. Serving you with high standards and with the highest quality of professionalism. Expect to receive excellent and friendly service. We know and have always kept in mind that every student has unique learning capabilities and not everyone is as fast learning as others and we want you to know, there are no short cuts or rushing. We are patient and mindful and do not forget that your journey becomes our journey. We will encourage and try to inspire you so remember this, know that we have your back.

“Practice makes perfect"

If it’s your first time applying for your learners’ certificate no worries, we will teach you the basic fundamentals of the K53. Making sure that you pass your test with flying colours.  So make sure to book yourself a seat and not miss out another day of becoming an official qualified driver.



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